The third project meeting took place in Livorno, Italy, 2016 February 22-24
The Italy partner team hosted international ACE project partners group, local experts and stakeholders of senior service sector in Livorno.
“Eight months ago and much have been done” – from that words Silvia Caturegli (provincia di Livorno SVILUPPO) started the 3rd partners meeting. Participants have got a short overview about SVILUPPO activities and goals. Also was presented a meeting program and expectations.
The coordinator of the project Karel Vyhnal presented the achievements of the project and lead discussion on administrative activities, financial rules, quality management and reports.
The host partner Silvia Caturegli presented local stakeholders: Livorno job center, SVS, Lega delle Cooperative, ASL, ACLI Livorno.
All stakeholders presented the field of their work, achievements and goals.
By the end of meeting Silvia Caturegli presented final conclusion on the initial discussion of final outputs of the partners. Coordinator Karel Vyhnal explains about next meeting in Prague, which will be one of the most important stages in project implementing period.